It is painful to watch alcoholism or drug addiction destroy a loved one’s life. Most often, they are paralyzed by their addiction and unable to ask for help. However, it can be quite risky to try to perform an intervention on your own.
How do you initiate an intervention?
- Make a plan. A family member or friend proposes an intervention and forms a planning group.
- Gather information.
- Form the intervention team.
- Decide on specific consequences.
- Make notes on what to say.
- Hold the intervention meeting.
- Follow up.
There are circumstances when a professional clinical interventionist is required. If the person you are intervening on has a history of mental illness or violent behavior, for instance. Books on intervention will give you complete guidelines for determining if you need to hire a professional. It is essential that loved ones have a comprehensive plan in place if the person denies treatment. This often means having several rebuttals in place in case the individual tries to make excuses.
Alcohol Intervention
Consulting an addiction professional, such as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, a social worker, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or an interventionist, can help you organize an effective intervention. An addiction professional will take into account your loved one’s particular circumstances, suggest the best approach, and help guide you in what type of treatment and follow-up plan is likely to work best. With that said, interventions can and should happen as soon as substance abuse or addiction is identified in a loved one. In these difficult times of the global pandemic, economic uncertainty, and high unemployment, many people are drinking more than they used to in an attempt to relieve stress. While it’s easy to understand, that doesn’t make it less of a concern. Consuming alcohol to cope with stress, deal with difficulties, or to avoid feeling bad, may be a sign that your loved one’s drinking has become a problem.
- Dr. Hoffman is the Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of and ensures the website’s medical content and messaging quality.
- This is not an uncommon concern, but the short answer is “no.” All medications approved for treating alcohol dependence are non-addictive.
- Likewise, many people benefit from treatment without hitting this proverbial bottom.
- In cases such as these, it’s important to remember that your loved one must be fully invested for recovery to work.
- Whenever we protect someone else’s feelings, we are really protecting our own.
Determining the types of clients for whom various intensities and numbers of sessions of brief interventions are appropriate is another question needing more empiric evidence. Evaluate the coverage in your health insurance plan to determine how much of the costs your insurance will cover and how much you will have to pay. Ask different programs if they offer sliding scale fees—some programs may offer lower prices or payment plans for individuals without health insurance. When seeking professional help, it is important that you feel respected and understood and that you have a feeling of trust that this person, group, or organization can help you. Remember, though, that relationships with doctors, therapists, and other health professionals can take time to develop. Facing an alcohol addiction can be a very lonely, scary proposition.
When Should You Stage An Intervention?
These examples must factual and objective; this is not the time to blame or shame the person for what they did. Statements will sound like, I feel worried when you drive home after drinking at the bar, or I felt frustrated when you received your second DUI. By owning your perspective, you remove the blame towards the other person. The days leading up to an intervention can be nerve-wracking and stressful. While organizing the meeting details, make sure everyone is aware of the potential challenges that can stem from the discussion.
This will only cause them to put their guard up and refuse to listen to what is being said. Use the information you find to start putting a plan in place about what to discuss and who to include in the intervention. Every intervention is unique, so you can change things to make it personal and relatable for your loved one.
Present the treatment option
Even if an alcohol intervention is not successful at first, an individual may reach out for help at a later date when they’re ready to get help. It’s important to show your loved one that they are not alone on the journey to recovery – an alcohol intervention may be exactly what they need to save their life. When discussing treatment centers with your loved one, let them know that you will be there to support and encourage them every step of the way. Remind your loved one about the happier times in their life when alcohol didn’t control their emotions and health. With the the help of alcohol treatment providers, they can take back control of their life and their happiness.
What is the first step for the treatment of alcoholism?
Detoxification is the initial step in treating alcoholism, and it can also be the most difficult. Within the first few days after you quit drinking, you may experience extremely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Because of this, the alcohol detox stage should only be completed under professional medical care.
Each member of the intervention team will speak during the intervention. This is meant to help the addict understand the concerns and feelings these team members have with regard to the addict’s health and their own well-being. Among Americans who abuse alcohol, many are able to reduce their drinking without any formal treatment.
A little more than half of all adults in the United States report drinking alcohol, and 7 percent report having an alcohol use disorder, according to an annual survey conducted by the U.S. The number of people who have trouble with alcohol may be larger, as 25 percent report binge drinking, or consuming four to five drinks within two hours. An intervention presents your loved one with a structured opportunity to make changes before things get even worse, and it can motivate him or her to seek or accept help. Sign up to get info about the science behind addiction, the latest trends in addiction treatment, inspirational recovery stories, and much more. The information provided by is not a substitute for professional medical advice. View our editorial content guidelines to learn how we create helpful content with integrity and compassion.
- Most people benefit from regular checkups with a treatment provider.
- Your loved one may not recognize the signs of depression or bipolar disorder that you do.
- The perspective intervention team should attempt to find a professional interventionist who is qualified to assist them with the intervention.
- Try not to allow your loved one’s behavior to dictate your own health and happiness.
Family intervention is a loving and honest way to raise the bottom. Recovery Connection is the ultimate addiction recovery resource portal for information on the latest treatments, centers, and programs. Whether you’re looking for treatment or for aftercare options, we can point you in the right direction. However, the overarching goal of interventions is to convince an individual to seek and accept treatment for their drinking.
Behavioral Treatments
Join the thousands of people that have called a treatment provider for rehab information. When interventions are viewed as opportunities to vent and accuse the subject, their effectiveness is significantly decreased. An evaluation by an addiction professional helps determine the extent of the problem and identifies appropriate treatment options. People who struggle with addiction are often in denial about their situation and unwilling to seek treatment.
- Ask other people involved to avoid enabling the destructive cycle of behavior and take active steps to encourage positive change.
- Together, they decide that something has to change for everyone’s well-being.
- We also offer comprehensive Recovery Mentoring services that will make relapse far less likely.
- Most importantly, our highly trained, experienced and educated interventionists work diligently to urge the alcoholic to accept treatment or face the consequences of his or her continued use.
- Often, family members and friends are subjected to abuse, violence, threats, and emotional upheaval because of alcohol and drug problems.
- With that said, interventions can and should happen as soon as substance abuse or addiction is identified in a loved one.
Often, getting a loved one struggling with addiction to accept treatment can be one of the most difficult parts. Interventions don’t pose serious health or psychological risks, and won’t directly make the addiction worse. Instead, the primary risk posed by interventions is a disruption in your relationship with the addict. Some addicts respond to interventions with anger, storming out before the process is complete.